

Towards the victory celebration party for Avengers Loki successfully took the baton from the hands of Hydra, for a few days, Stark and Jarvis busy researching the sticks and stones kind of magic wand what is in it. But everything changed, precisely when the members of the Avengers was busy partying.

Ultron (James Spader), so-called Stark-made robot program. He suddenly wakes up in a network complexity. Fellow program, Jarvis tried to talk to him, but failed. Ultron negate Jarvis granted. He then collects all solid device in the lab and used it as his Stark.

Ultron is far more intelligent and powerful than Stark estimates. And in a matter of hours, Ultron notabenenya is a program, it can build up himself, and immediately devastated the Avengers are doing a victory party. Apparently, Ultron, intending to destroy the Avengers, and rebuild his own world after all creatures on Earth to destroy.

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